AMITIAE - Saturday 30 June 2012

Update to SloPro - 60fps Slow Motion Video app: Now 1000 fps

apple and chopsticks


By Graham K. Rogers

Slo Pro

Along with updates to Paper by FiftyThree, Huffington Post and Photo Editor_Fotolr (reviewed 12 June) available today, one of my more interesting apps has just received an update that includes significant new features.

SloPro 60fps Slow Motion Video may have to change its name with one of the listed changes. These include:

  • Import videos
  • Fast motion
  • Optical flow
  • Ghosting
  • Frame blending
  • Exposure/white balance lock
  • Video feed
  • More export options
  • iPad support (now Universal)
  • iPhone 3Gs support

I have taken what I think is the most significant out of that list (although some have an exceptional value for users): the app will now record what is described as Super slow motion of 1000 fps as well as 500 fps, hence my name-change comment above.

In my original review of this at the end of April, I recorded test videos using water dropping into a wine glass, but have been inspired by the slow motion (2000 fps) that can now be seen on the MotoGP repeat videos and by a first class video of a BMW breaking through objects at Salt Flats, Utah, starting with a large red apple.

I am sure to be running this updated app over the next few days to see how the super slo-mo works and to examine the other new features.

Graham K. Rogers teaches at the Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University in Thailand. He wrote in the Bangkok Post, Database supplement on IT subjects. For the last seven years of Database he wrote a column on Apple and Macs.



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