AMITIAE - Tuesday 13 January 2015

Cassandra: Problems with Yosemite and Macs - Wi-Fi Suggestions from the Investment Side

apple and chopsticks


By Graham K. Rogers


There has been much criticism of Apple software quality recently, some of it triggered by an article by Marco Arment, who rued his posting when the ideas in it went viral for the wrong reasons.

Arment is not alone in experiencing problems. I detailed a number of difficulties I had with the MacBook Pro I use that started not when Yosemite was first installed, but when other events - perhaps software, perhaps the new iPhone 6, perhaps something still to come to light - triggered a series of kernel panics (see links below).

Airport No doubt there are some problems in the millions of lines of codes that make up any operating system, but Mac users have become used to a touch more reliability than some of us are seeing these days. That idea of "some" may be relevant as a particular combination of factors - the stars out of alignment - may trigger a problem.

Writing on Seeking Alpha, Mark Hibben comments as an investment advisor who clearly has a handle on the technology he uses. Although his own Mac, with Yosemite installed is not experiencing such problems, his examination, starting with an analysis of posts in Apple user forums, is valuable.

He concludes that the problems, with Wi-Fi on the Macs may stem from a particular use of the Broadcom Airport card: this combines Wifi and Bluetooth functions. For him, "The big mystery here is why most users don't have a problem, while a vocal minority do. It's tempting to assume a hardware failure, but the problem may not be that simple."

The reasons behind the difficulties that users are having certainly needs some urgent work by Apple, although this may well be going on behind the scenes already. We will not know until an improvement or update appears, Apple is so secretive.

While other manufacturers include Wi-Fi hardware as part of a vertical hardware integration, Apple has been sticking to the Broadcom solution, and Hibben suggest that this is an opportunity: Apple should buy the company. This would enable any necessary fix to be made within Apple and Cupertino would "acquire some much needed expertise."

MacBook Pro

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