AMITIAE - Tuesday 11 March 2014

Recent iOS App Updates (and iOS 7.1) - Updated

apple and chopsticks


By Graham K. Rogers


On one of those middle of the night bathroom trips at 3 am, I saw that the latest update to iOS was available, so I pressed the download button, clicked on Agree and went back to sleep.

When I finally woke up at a more sensible hour, I saw that there was a notice, reminding me to connect the iPhone to the computer by cable to re-enact wifi synchronisations.

iOS 7.1 iOS 7.1 iOS 7.1

The iOS updates has a number of changes and improvements reported: to carPlay, Siri, iTunes Radio (if available, I presume), Calendar, Accessibility, Camera, iCloud Keychain, FaceTime, Fingerprint recognition, Mail unread badge, as well as other fixes.

Update - When I did connect the iPhone to the Mac, I was asked to confirm on the iPhone that the computer could be trusted before any synchronisation could take place.

After checking email and some early news, I tried iTunes and saw a number of app updates, including three from Apple:

  • Garageband - the update improves stability and addresses a number of minor issues.

  • Podcasts - this covers an issue when the 15 second skip buttons may not appear on the screen in iOS 7.1.

  • Remote - reports a number of changes related to Apple TV: iTunes Radio can now been controlled using Remote; purchased films and TV programmes can be viewed in the app and played on Apple TV; there are also bug fixes and stability improvements.

  • Photo Editor by Aviary - this excellent photo app has been updated to version 3.2.3 and has minor bug fixes and improvements.

  • xBeacon - an app for identifying iBeacons deployed has some minor bug fixes.

I would not be surprised to see a few more updates appearing in the coming days as iOS 7.1 might throw up a few app compatibility problems.

Graham K. Rogers teaches at the Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University in Thailand where he is also Assistant Dean. He wrote in the Bangkok Post, Database supplement on IT subjects. For the last seven years of Database he wrote a column on Apple and Macs.



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