AMITIAE - Friday 29 August 2013

Cassandra: Backups and a Forgotten Firmware Password (4) - iFTP Pro from the iPhone

apple and chopsticks


By Graham K. Rogers


I have been trying out the iPad as a real work device for a couple of days with a concentration on writing and the use of FTP. To push this a bit more I also tried the app on the iphone.

To be a little more precise I am trying iFTP Pro in a taxi on my way to work having just picked up the Mac from iServe in Amarin Plaza, Bangkok. My typing is as slow as the taxi is fast through the traffic. We may arrive before I am finished.

A major problem here is the available screen size on top of the file switching that occurs. Nonetheless with a quick cut and paste I can bring in some code and this will link to a photo I took.

iFTP Pro

Now for the upload to show that it can be done.

See Also:

Cassandra: Backups, Security and a Forgotten Firmware Password (1) - Withdrawal Symptoms

Cassandra: Backups, Security and a Forgotten Firmware Password (2) - Connection with iFTP Pro

Cassandra: Backups, Security and a Forgotten Firmware Password (3) - iFTP Pro and Images

Cassandra: Backups, Security and a Forgotten Firmware Password (5) - Tidying up and Final Comments

Graham K. Rogers teaches at the Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University in Thailand. He wrote in the Bangkok Post, Database supplement on IT subjects. For the last seven years of Database he wrote a column on Apple and Macs.



Made on Mac

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