By Graham K. Rogers
There are some who just do not know when to move on. For the last couple of years, I have been sent emails, sometimes on a daily basis, from an Australian who will not stop, despite being asked: "Serial pest" he writes - like a toothless old dog gnawing at a meatless bone - as if his old age allows him to behave as only he sees fit.
He is Gary Duncan. He apparently lives near Melbourne. Feel free to write to him as often as he does me. The email is Please, share your opinions with him as he insists he can with me.
Unsurprisingly, there was a reaction to the item I put online yesterday, The GMDuncan Chronicles (1): The Orangutan on the Blogger's Back. I will paste it below. My own view is that sending emails for years when being asked to stop is also unacceptable, as has been the content of some of those emails.
Many comments have been reactions to my online articles: a public forum, so he claims he is entitled to express an opinion, even when asked to stop. As well as a personal aspect, there has been at times a cultural insensitivity. Take for example the email I had on 14 May after writing about a railway trip to Mahachai. Apparently in an attempt to be one up on me, I was treated to information about a trip he made to a floating market, with the subsequent comment:
I guess they would not be floating markets if the stalls were placed on the sides.
As to the suggestion that I am paid by Epson for using their press releases, that is not the case.
Today's email was interesting for the expressions of outrage. I seem to have hurt his feelings, although his concern for my feelings over the last couple of years - sensitive soul that I am - do not count, of course.
As before, the email screenshots are not edited. Just Duncan's own gems. And do I detect an implied threat in the second part?
I followed the link in that email and the same gif-laden page appeared.
Please feel free to write to him as often as he does me at I will be sharing selectively some more of these emails as the opportunity arises: being past retirement age does not allow carte blanche or freedom from responsibility.
Graham K. Rogers teaches at the Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University in Thailand where he is also Assistant Dean. He wrote in the Bangkok Post, Database supplement on IT subjects. For the last seven years of Database he wrote a column on Apple and Macs.