AMITIAE - Wednesday 27 March 2013
Cassandra - Wednesday Review: The Week in Full Swing |
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By Graham K. Rogers
Opening Gambit:More analyst madness on Apple. iStudio or something in India? Hon Hai record profits. Apple rumours and Apple patents. OS X, 10.9 coming soon. The daft Somerset poiceman, the credit card, music and his son's iPad games. China, Apple and attacks on western companies. Will the FAA allow iPads to be used at takeoff and landing. New iPhone: for T-Mobile in the US. Ballmer's creaky tenure at Redmond: Windows Blue to fix the fix that fixed the fixes that replaced XP (on some computers). Why Apple won't buy Microsoft. Petition for US politicians to wear logos that indicate their corporate sponsors (that might work here). Thailand's exploding iPhone 5: an update - independent analysis.
Apple StuffI had a look at an item from Ben Lovejoy on 9to5 Mac on Monday evening concerning more analysts' predictions. Here we go again, I thought. The theme that the analysts have this time is that although Apple will reach its guidance on income - wait for it - the consensus is that profits will fall for the quarter that ends this week. And because the analysts all believe that, it now becomes fact. However, share prices are unlikely to fall as they have been pushed down far enough already. By the analyts, remember?I thought about this overnight and was not happy about the idea: analysts, theories, fact. There is a disconnect there and they end up playing not only with the share prices of a company they clearly do not understand, but the funds and investments that might affect the lives and retirement plans of many ordinary people. So I tracked this back: remember, always use the first source if possible. The source for the AppleInsider article was Philip Elmer-DeWitt on Fortune who is normally reliable as far as Apple is concerned. He reported on the average opinions of a number of analysts who were all in agreement: Apple will reach its guidance; profits will fall. There was one link in the article that allowed me to access the source of this opinion and I followed that, something like Alice chasing the rabbit down the hole, with the same fantasy waiting for me at the bottom. The analysis that by Robert Paul Leitao produces and the graphs displayed seem solid enough at first glance, although so dense I don't suppose too many people read it all the way through. However, there were a number of leaps of faith and a couple of misrepresentations, I felt. And a messy ending. The odd thing that I noticed right away was that after all that hand-wringing from analysts over the last few years, he points out that Apple's predictions on earnings have always been conservative but reasonably accurate for the last nine quarters. Their predictions for the next reported quarter are known to be in the range around $41 - $43 billion. Yet as has been seen, these predictions are totally ignored quarter after quarter by the pundits who clearly do not know better. Let me also examine some of the other shortcomings here. One example concerns the concrete conviction that so many have concerning the imminent arrival of a new iPhone: "Looking forward, Apple's gross margin performance will improve following the release of the second iPhone 5 series handset." He later mentions this again with "two iPhone 5 series handsets in the market". That is something that cannot be predicted. This is certainly possible, but no one can say with any degree of certainty. He also brings into the mix the growth rate, not the actual sales. Showing that some of the lines have slowed down in terms of growth, is not a prediction of unit sales, but one factor he does mention is the known increase in sales of Macs now that the supply of new iMac models has freed up. Not that anyone knows how many have been sold. The growth rate of the iPhone is shown as falling when in the last quarter it has been made available in several more countries, but although this is included, it is not enough for him. He does however, correctly factor in the 14 week quarter for Q1 2012 which many other analysts did not recognise when the last set of figures was reported.
Let me enter an aside at this point as Maxwell Fisher on The Motley Fool is of the opinion that while other companies are just unable to deal with the tablet market - even Samsung reports low sales in comparison - Apple is going to ride even higher with the iPad, "because of the superiority of the product, and its culture of creativity and innovation." And the stocks will rise accordingly. [My source for this was MacDaily News.] I think Leitao was trying to make some point in the article concerning the crazy situation, perhaps of Apple, perhaps the analysts, perhaps how no one really knows what to think about the company, as he uses words containing "mad" 9 times in the article, including the title, but 5 times in the Conclusion. This is either bad writing or a specific point that he is trying to drive home in a way that would be severely criticised in English 101. As another side-note, Patently Apple report that Apple is beating Samsung in terms of revenues by a considerable margin, although lagged slightly in terms of units shipped: "On a revenue basis for the fourth quarter, Apple continued to dominate with 30.7% share versus 20.4% share for Samsung."
This item also makes it clear that, like Thailand, there will be no real Apple store there. The regulations that cover those stores may be different from Thailand where long term distributors hold sway. there was a rumour a while back, however, that there may finally be a real Apple store in Bangkok located at the new complex going up on the site that the British Embassy used to own.
And right on time, Tuesday evening an article from Lance Whitney reports on Gene Munster - another analyst whom some think is some sort of expert on Apple - claiming that new iPhone should start shipping by June with a low cost one following a few months later. This rumour is nothing new: recycled. Also on Munster is a comment from Jordan Kahn on 9to5 Mac who writes about this analyst's fixation with Apple TV when he predicts that Apple iPhone for June. Kahn also comments on the missed prediction on an iPad that Munster made earlier (and fails to mention now of course) and the iWatch. Recycled. At least I get to see what Munster looks like in the video in which he also predicts Apple will give more cash back to investors (see below).
There is some question over the name, and although Lynx was expected, this may cause problems in the UK. We are also told (as expected) that Siri and Maps could be incorporated into OS X (and yes, the Bangkok Bank is still shown as having a branch in the middle of Bangkok's river - will Apple ever fix that?).
The video does make the points that Google has the same level of cash reserves and no one is applying pressure there; and that Microsoft did succumb to the pressure, which has not made it a stronger company. Apple has that cash because it doesn't listen to other people. Everyone's an Apple expert, Austin Smith says. Maybe I am right after all: that is why the column is called Cassandra.
I think there should now be a special button to control these UK parents as a third has appeared. This time the bill is £3,700 and Apple says, No. With three families now in the mix, this has all the makings of a scam or a tabloid run headline grab. With Apple's refusal, the parent, who also happens to be a policeman, says he has no choice but to report his son for fraud. This means he can have charges reversed by his credit card company. I think he is on thin ice there. MacNN has the story from the Daily Mail which was once a good newspaper and the father's comments make head-slapping reading, including the words, "Really I just want to embarrass Apple as much as possible." But I guess he has ended up embarrassing himself and the kid far more. There is also a report on this from Kelly Hodgkins on TUAW, and it is clear that Apple turned him down: fed up with all these claims I would think. As many know I was a policeman in the UK for a number of years, and while there were a number of smart guys I worked with, I can visualise one or two who would fit this man's profile exactly. There is more. I linked to the Daily Mail story by Luke Salkeld and in this there are some comments about reporting his son and what he might do if the police wanted to see him (what else would he expect if he files a complaint?), but then this gem, "Mr Crossan logged the details of his MBNA Virgin credit card with Apple when he used his son's device to download music." Now I am not sure about the contract legality of that, but it clearly was his actions that opened the doors. It is possible to register with the iTunes App Store and have an account that only allows free apps to be downloaded, but doing this and failing to apply parental controls caused the problem and this is hardly Apple's fault.
There were more reports later on this from several sources with Steven Sande on TUAW for example telling us that China is now complaining about Apple warranties and the reply that Apple gave concerning why some phones are replaced and some repaired.
As a note, both John Gruber and Jim Dalrymple link to this article and agree with the main points.
Other MattersSome heartening news for young developers this week as the teenager who created Summly, Nick D'Aloisio, which has just been taken up by Yahoo! has found himself $30 million richer at age 17, Nicole Nguyen writes on GeekSugar. It is unclear in the article whether he will finish high school now.
Another report on TechDirt, this time by Mike Masnick has a look at what has almost been a Holy Grail of some politicians: sales tax on Internet transactions. The report suggests that this has moved one step closer this week and while there may be no let out for states like Montana where there are no sales taxes, we wonder what will happen when it comes to international sales. Or haven't the politicians thought of that? At least the UK has a no-VAT option for those of us buying from outside. TechDirt also has a report on George Galloway who is a British politician with a colourful past. Timothy Geigner writes that Galloway has the bright idea that the authorities there should ban Twitter as the police did not get full cooperation from the company when they (the police) were exceeding their authority by demanding that pictures should be deleted and demanding the account details of users. Chillingly this dovetails with comments on a local Tweet I saw a couple of days ago concerning the banning of messaging services like Skype and What's App unless they can be censored. Ryan Huang writes on ZDNet about plans by the authorities in Saudi Arabia who are thinking about this. Censorship is the keyword here, but the real cause may be revenue that the carriers think they are losing.
Local ItemsI almost feel embarrassed (almost) about mentioning long-running problems that don't look as if they will ever be fixed, but as well as the Bukkhalo branch of the Bangkok Bank in Apple's Maps app, there still is no 3G signal on floor 4 of the Siam Discovery Center. This is despite me having reported it several times and having been sent a message that the engineers have checked and found it OK. As I showed on Monday, my iPhone shows EDGE and not 3G there (since that message), while in other parts of Siam, 3G is fine. I had a look again on Tuesday: no change. Thanks a bunch DTAC: customer wrong again.
A student of mine posted a link on Facebook to a news item here on ADSL Thailand. It is all Thai so I tried Google translate which was about as good as usual, so I asked local news man, Don Sambandaraksa, who summarised the report for me:
The exploded iPhone 5 in question was sent to the NBTC which found out that it needed special equipment to open (duh!) and, at the same time, Apple Asia South sent the NBTC a a letter asking for the phone in question to be sent to the company (Apple Asia South) so that it may send the phone to Exponent, an independent US based phone reseasrcher with labs, and when this independent lab finishes its report, it will send a copy to the NBTC. I already had some of that from Google and had looked up the name Exponent, which is an Electronics Component Reliability Consulting company. I guess they will analyse it for Apple and provide an independent report. After all, Apple wants to know as much as the customer. Unless, of course, the customer was not using the iPhone properly (say jailbreak or unauthorised components). I did mention at the time that I queried the screen and back covers that were in use.
Graham K. Rogers teaches at the Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University in Thailand. He wrote in the Bangkok Post, Database supplement on IT subjects. For the last seven years of Database he wrote a column on Apple and Macs. |
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