AMITIAE - Tuesday 27 December 2011

A Synthesizer in Your Pocket: Animoog for the iPhone

apple and chopsticks



A few weeks ago I looked at the arrival of a Moog Synthesizer app for the iPad: Animoog. My updated review of that is online. The app allows a user with limited resources to create electronic music fairly easily. Of course it helps if one has a musical background, but even the process of discovery can be revealing.

Moog Music Inc, have just released their Animoog for iPhone app for an introductory $0.99. The regular price is reported as $9.99. The arrival of this app moves the creation of such electronic musical adventures to an even smaller platform. We can make our own music on the bus or wherever we find ourselves when the muse grabs us. The app only works on later versions of the iOS devices: iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and iPod touch, generation 4)

Installed on the iPhone 4S, I found that as with the iPad version, this only works in landscape mode. With the restricted screen space, the menus that display above the main screen on the iPad are moved to two pull-down menus.

Animoog Animoog

While all the features, such as Filters and adjusting buttons appear to be available, they are reorganised so that even someone familiar with the Pad installation will need a time of adjustment to find them all. In addition, with the limited screen area, a button is available that makes the tuning forks (the keys, if you will) expand to around 60% of the screen height for accuracy when playing.

With my 1970s music listening background, I was pleased with the way that Animoog had been made available for the small form of the iPad. Now that this is available for the smaller format of the iPhone (and iPod touch), this will mean it is more accessible for users: a synthesizer in your pocket. With the iPad and the iPhone (I have a spare iPhone too right now), I could have an ensemble.

Animoog Animoog



Made on Mac

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