AMITIAE - Friday 10 August 2012
Cassandra: Friday Review - The Weekend Arrives |
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By Graham K. Rogers
Opening Gambit:Apple and security: changes ordered. Wall Street just cannot get over Apple or Tim Cook. Rumours on iPhone 5. New iMac and Mac Pro models in the pipeline. OS X comments: good and not so perfect. Google fined for privacy violations using Safari cookies. Apple v Samsung continuing. Zynga COO resigns. HP charge of $8 billion. The iMac is back. Another True story.
Apple StuffA lot of writing in the last few days centred on the hacking of Mat Honan's accounts via Amazon and Apple and the subsequent disasters to his computing life as well as a loss of much data which had not been backed up. One of the steps that Apple took was to suspend over the phone password changes, Nathan Olivarez-Giles and Mat Honan report with some useful background to the story. Graham Spencer on MacStories added to this by reporting on what Amazon had also done. Adi Robertson later reported that the 24-hour ban had been extended and it looks as if it may become permanent with Apple intending to use other, more secure ways to assist users who need a password reset.
Better perhaps is Bret Kenwell on Seeking Alpha, but he still suggests that Apple had a miss last quarter. These people do look at the actual figures of units sold do they? Perhaps, as Dee Gill on Seeking Alpha suggests that even in a weakened state (not my opinion, but let it ride for now) Apple's businesses are kicking tail (polite of course). He also produces a graph of the disappointing figures which show a continuing upward gradient over the last 6 years, with the gradient becoming even steeper in the most recent year or so.
Another rumour from AppleBitch, this time originating on 9to5 Mac is that there could be 6 rows of apps on the iPhone screen instead of the current 5. This is speculation rising from a simulation, and this depends on the screen size which is the subject of another rumour concerning size. If this is true, I hope the execution is better than the simulation which looks cramped and just wrong. More details about the new iPhone appear to be appearing and Katie Marsal on AppleInsider writes that information from a site in Taiwan suggests it is to be 18% thinner and confirms (if that is the right term with all this speculation) the moving of the headphone jack and the smaller SIM card tray as well as some other new design features. As a sort of confirmation that something is coming to the boil, with perhaps the iPhone included, is a report from iPoDNN concerning suppliers and their growth, with an increase of some 14% shown: the biggest for the last 7 years. This suggests that more than one product is being prepared. A report Wednesday morning, from Daniel Eran Dilger on AppleInsider, is related to the idea of new products with the information about coding within OS X, 10.8, Mountain Lion that refers to new Macs: iMac and Mac Pro. A significant part of the discovery is that these will have bootable USB drives and may lack optical drives, which appears to be something Apple is working towards for all machines.
We mentioned earlier in the week the way some are not happy with what Save As has become in OS X and there have been several criticisms of this. Matt Neuberg on TidBits has a really close analysis of the feature and explains in great detail how this now works: both in good ways and less than perfect. Not everyone loves all of the parts of OS X and Topher Kessler has an item for those who do not really like the Notifications Center: quit it, he suggests. It is a bit more than that and his article examines what it does and also suggests a couple of ways to turn it off if wanted. The settings can be fine-tuned as well and I just turned off the sounds for Monotony -- the app I am using to bring back my news feeds -- as the tone is jarring when several articles arrive within the space of a short time. I am slowly retrieving some of my favourite news feeds and one of these is OS X Daily which this week has a grouse about the font used for the Notes app and explains how this can be changed. Alternatively, the standard Apple Command + T will bring up a font panel and a lot more can be done with that.
Half and HalfA few months ago there was a lot of noise about the way Google had been bypassing browser settings by placing cookies on users' computers which they denied completely, but have agreed to pay a fine of $22.5 million that the FTC charged for the naughtiness, Chris Welch reports on The Verge.
This would appear to be the approach that Samsung is taking and a statement has been issued to that effect, the Wall Street Journal blog, Digits, reports. Now will the jury believe them? Some of that context is highlighted by John Paczkowski on All Things Digital who outlines one of the documents made available to the court in which the document, which appears to be the same one Andy Ihnatko refers to, suggests that "the Galaxy . . . would be better if it behaved more like the iPhone and featured a similar user interface." Which is pretty much Apple's case. Meanwhile over in Seoul, home of Samsung, there is another Apple-Samsung case and MacDaily News reports that eyebrows were raised when the decision was postponed. Speculation is that the case in California may be connected and there may be a knock on effect with the one in Australia too.
Other MattersBlackberry? Remember them. If you live in Bangkok or Washington DC of course you do. A rumour on Wednesday morning reported by Dieter Bohn on The Verge, suggests that the breakup of RIM may be beginning with IBM after the company's Enterprise Unit although they have been rebuffed so far.
Local ItemsI brought the iMac back from the shop on Tuesday and started it up to see OS X Snow Leopard: 10.7.4. It went in with Lion. I went home leaving the iMac downloading the Mountain Lion installation on Tuesday. When I went back to my office on Thursday morning all I had to do was click Install, agree to the licence and have a coffee. With a new disk, the update took less than 30 minutes. Of course, now I have the task of setting it all up again and I will be writing about that in the next day or so from the copious notes I made.
A month or two went by and a letter arrived at the office from a debt collection company, all in Thai of course. A colleague phoned for me but the person concerned was out, so we were told she would call back. No call. This week a letter from a legal firm. That much was in English although the entire letter content was in Thai apart from my name. I talked about it with another colleague who offered to phone True. The amount of around 1200 was confirmed, and (at last) the reason why. The figure is small beer but the lack of a realistic service is not. I paid the bill Thursday at a counter in True's Pinklao office, but the handing back of the device needed to be done at another counter: twice the wait, half the fun. For some reason handing the thing back also needed my passport.
Graham K. Rogers teaches at the Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University in Thailand. He wrote in the Bangkok Post, Database supplement on IT subjects. For the last seven years of Database he wrote a column on Apple and Macs. |
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